Tezos China Blockchain

 Tezos China Blockchain TZ APAC, the advanced Asia-based standard blockchain consultancy that is helping the Tezos ecosystem, has engaged the assistant of Candaq to expedite Tezos choice in China.

Charlie Hu, a founder of Candaq Fintech Group, explained how both organizations. TZ APAC and Candaq help grow the Tezos ecosystem growing in China and the Asia Pacific regions in a YouTube interview attended by Dinis Guarda, a well-known tech-influencer.

Charlie Hu is likewise the co-founder of Polkabase, a Polkadot China Eco-system area, which has served Polkadot to develop a solid base and ecosystem in tezos china blockchain. Since the month's opening, he has started to perform with TZ APAC as a decisive advisor on things' China side. He declared on Tezos:

"They produce more further than 300 designs included globally, there was no so much involvement in China. That was one of the ideas they directed me to support them, and there are several synergies I imagine they understand to running with Chinese projects.

The fantastic way of Tezos can be developed and well-developed in the tezos china blockchain ecosystem as a whole. So, that's something I'm very observing ahead to subscribing to, and I'm becoming pretty passionate regarding that as well."

Use Cases And Korean Telecoms Company

The Tezos scheme with Candaq happens under Candaq's discussing arm. When requested wherein case studies and any special items he would like to highlight what is occurring regarding Tezos in Asia, 

Charlie Hu stated:

"Tezos hasn't made that much in tezos china blockchain yet, related to Polkadot. They are relatively robust in Europe and have pretty compelling claims; they have been operating in the South East Asia, APAC region.

What I can give, from my not-so-deep head yet, as I've only begun to support Tezos in modern days, is I believe they possess several analysis labs creating digital assets on a chain in Singapore, in Korea.

One of the advanced telecoms firms in Korea examines Tezos as one of their foundation protocols to make their new digital asset for their telecom digital alteration system. In a way, they can get traceability and immutability, using their system, the latest version.

Supply Chain Finance

Charlie Hu went on to discuss other use situations for Tezos, including STOs and digital securities, but also moved against Supply Chain Finance:

"Tezos has been creating several exploratory research in the supply chain finance area. I believe they have a group of things done. I can't give the names because fascinating things are still on-going. They have a batch of trade and finance collaboration to facilitate some trade and finance programs with their technology.

Uniquely in the region of Singapore. Singapore is one of the crucial hubs in South East Asia. Through their technology, a set of SMEs can explain and prove to the banks that they are receivable and that the contractual asset is solid. They have legitimacy and can gain support on top of this digital platform.

Without that, it was most likely the state-owned company or fascinating other big organization that can get this kind of receivable allowances from commercial banks."

Blockchain Game Alliance

In other news, TZ APAC freshly joined the Blockchain Game Alliance as a part. The Blockchain Game Alliance is a non-profit organization promoting blockchain technology in video plays. Members of the alliance involve titans such as Ubisoft, AMD, and Atari, amongst others.

Thanks for Info from https://xtz.news/adoption/tezos-growth-accelerates-in-china-and-asia-through-candaq-and-tz-apac/

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