Best Cryptocurrency to Invest in 2021

 Best Cryptocurrency to Invest in 2021 Yes This is Tezos

Tezos Records A Large And Thriving Developer Community Independent Reports And Git Repository Analysis

February 8, 2021, Lee Evans Tezos, Tezos Blockchain, Tezos Community, Tezos Developers, Tezos Foundation, Tezos Git Repositories, XTZ


A Look Into Tezos Git Repositories


In late December 2020, a plan was hatched by Djangobits (a prominent Tezos community member) and myself to manufacture an a connected with all known Tezos Git repositories ready to make a big Tezos Gource video based on previous efforts from Django here and myself at this juncture. We aimed to use this treatment to obtain a truer video visual of Tezos design.

Many previous Tezos development reports each morning mainstream cryptocurrency media. And more than social media channels gave the impression to focus on just Tezos. Github development (excluding Tezos core development activity on Gitlab), or even then Tezos Github's quilt seemed to be missing many repositories.


Even individual previous efforts using the Gource development visibility software did not manage to conceal all known Tezos repositories; in fact, my latest Gource video only covered the Tezos Gitlab.

Tezos development is very decentralized and is usually widespread, featuring many Git tracking systems and repositories.


After some weeks of pulling together these Git repositories, a subscriber list of some 512 was given birth to here (although it was previously on the HackMD platform, which anyone could edit). This list was nowhere near exhaustive, and many repositories remained not listed.

This list was delivered to various people in the Tezos community who were looking for similar visibility on these metrics.


Due to the sheer involving Git repositories we found, we are usually struggling much more a workaround to the system designed for all in the data when deciding on the new Gource video file (although we even now trying).


The Electric Capital Report

More recently, Electric Capital pulled together a whole lot more extensive list of 614 repositories with the aid of Corey Soreff of this Tezos Commons, which can be found here by typing in the word Tezos' and pressing come in. Although we expect your current far an estimated 614 repositories (due to our efforts of 512 not even touching the surface), this figure still represents a thriving Tezos developer community.


On December 10, Electric Capital presented its data in a critical report, found here. On the news, some interesting Tezos developer stats were found:


Tezos, Cardano, and Polkadot had 100+ devs in 2019 Q3 and gained even more developers in 2020 Q3.

Tezos, Polkadot, and Filecoin had the most significant developer gains from 2019 Q3 to 2020 Q3.

Ethereum, Bitcoin, Polkadot, Cosmos, Tezos, Cardano, and Eos generate layer one developer ecosystems.

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